Tips on Staying Healthy
One,  value Yourself.   Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism.  Make time for your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons.  Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or become fluent in another language.
Two, take good care of your Body.  Taking care of yourself physically can improve your mental health.  Be sure to eat nutritious meals, avoid cigarettes, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and exercise.  In fact, exercise has been shown to help decrease depression and anxiety, and improve people's moods.
Three, give of yourself to charity.  Volunteer your time and energy to help someone else.  You'll feel good about doing something tangible to help someone on need - and it's a great way to meet new people.
Four, learn how to deal with stress.   Like it or not, stress is a part of life.  Practice good coping skills.  Do Tai chi, exercise, take a nature walk, play with your pet or try journal writing as a stress-reducer.  Also, remember to smile and see the humor in life.  Research shows that laughter can boost your immune system, ease pain relax your body and reduce stress.
Lastly, get help when you need it.   Seeking help is a sign of strength - not a weakness, and it is important to remember that treatment is effective.  People who get appropriate care can recover from mental illness and substance abuse disorders, and lead full, productive lives.
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